
Life after Dan has a simple goal. To help and support anyone that has suffered a traumatic loss through Suicide.

This can be a family member, friends, colleagues, siblings, partners or children – anyone that is connected to suicide will inevitably be going through a huge range of emotions, doubts and feelings and whether the event was yesterday or 30 years ago or more, it has a profound effect that can not be understood until you are suddenly dropped into this new world.

We have been through this, and whilst the event itself is different for everyone the pain is universal. Unfortunately, it is often made worse by feeling abandoned after the event. no one seems to know what to do, say or who to talk to and you are often dismissed at the hospital door and left to get on with your life.

We spend weeks and months finding out what was available, and this just added to the difficulty of coping with even the simplest of everyday tasks.

Life After Dan – named in tribute to our son – is trying to make this most unbearable of times a little easier.

We want to provide:

  • An online resource of places and organisations to contact.
  • Supply information packs, which can get to the people left behind as soon as possible with help, advice, contacts etc. These will be distributed to Dr’s, the police, hospital and community Chaplin and other organisations that are involved in the early days after the loss of a loved one.
  • Supply information packs which are made available to businesses and organisations via their HR departments. when an event happens these can be given to those affected, guide the HR department on what to expect and also help staff that may also be affected. These will also stress that there is no time limit and someone years after an event can still have times of huge suffering and this can cause work and social problems
  • Create online forums and chats for those left behind, a resource that can be invaluable as you go through the waves of emotions that follow.
  • The eventual creation of face-to-face groups to share and discuss what we are going through.
  • Raising awareness of the effects of being touched by Suicide and how to help. This will include media releases as well as attending local events, groups, clubs and networking events

These are our primary goals, and are the reason for the creation of “Life After Dan” . We are a registered C.I.C ( community interest company ) and operate on a not for profit basis, any profits are legally asset locked and used to grow the organisation.

How you can help?

However, we do still need to raise funds to support our work and as such we are undertaking various methods that you can help with.

  • Online thrift shop – we are setting up a local online store where donated items can be sold
  • Local business offers and discount vouchers – these can be donated by any business and will be offered to our supporters and the general public at bargain prices to raise funds
  • Direct donations from the general public and business
  • Sponsorship of information packs, enabling the creation and distribution of these and giving coverage to the sponsors via advertising both online and in printed materials
  • Events – from local talks
  • We are currently applying for a license to run raffles and competitions with prizes that could range from donated items to bigger value items specifically acquired for the purpose

What to do next?

  1. Join our Facebook page and groups
  2. Share our website and Facebook details and invite as many people as you can
  3. Join our “for sale” group and donate and/or buy some absolute bargains
  4. Talk to your employer and ask them to get involved, they can contact us via our website or give us their details. It doesn’t need to cost them anything and the information and advice can be a huge help to them, staff and families should the need arise
  5. Make a donation, easy and straight forward and hugely appreciated
  6. Enter our competitions
  7. SHARE SHARE SHARE – we need to be seen by as many people as possible, in the Peterborough area alone there are hundreds of people that are suffering and may have been for years – and often in silence, let them know help is available.