July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Going back to work, or not?Going back to work, or not? This is one of the things you have to face very early on. For us, it was all part of ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Photos and memoriesPhotos and memories 4 years after we lost Dan, there are still some photos in the lounge we can’t turn around, or keep ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Facebook memoriesFacebook memories Facebook is a large part of many people’s lives, and also has an unintended ( we hope) ability to stab ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Anniversary’s, birthdays and big eventsAnniversary’s, birthdays and big events Possibly the most painful days of the year, the first few times it was like being hit by a truck. ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Dealing with Funeral DirectorsDealing with Funeral Directors The CO-OP funeral directors were very helpful. They talked us through everything. There is no charge upfront either. They meet ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Should I have a Wake?Should I have a Wake? A wake is seen as a little old-fashioned sometimes, but they have been done for hundreds of years all around ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| How to write a EulogyHow to write a Eulogy At the funeral, it is customary for something to be said about the person that has died. That sentence is ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| The Inquest – What to expectThe Inquest – What to expect A death by suicide generally means an inquest. This is something that we have no idea about, and the very ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| What’s next? and dealing with your loved ones remainsWhat’s next? and dealing with your loved ones remains The funeral is done, people around you are starting to disappear and life is trying to be normal again, of ...
July 13, 2022July 13, 2022| Bumping into people – constant reminderBumping into people – constant reminder Until you lose someone you have no idea how many people look like them or know them and seem determined ...